This cookie policy was last updated on November 29, 2021.
Cookies are used on our website. Third parties, authorized by us, also place cookies. Below, you will find the cookie policy of Van Riel & Feyli Advocaten B.V.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored or read on your computer, tablet, or smartphone when you visit our website. This happens through the web browser on your device. This file contains specific information. With the information in these text files, we can recognize you, for instance, when you visit our website again. During your next visit, our website can retrieve and use this information to provide better services. For example, we remember your login details and your preferred language setting. This enables us to assist you more efficiently and quickly during your next visit.
Why do we use cookies?
We and third parties use cookies to enable functionalities on the website (technical and functional cookies) to analyze website usage and improve user-friendliness (analytical cookies)
When you visit our website for the first time, we display a notification explaining cookies. If consent is required to place cookies, we only place cookies if you accept them and give permission to Van Riel & Feyli Advocaten B.V.
You can also configure your web browser to accept cookies only upon your consent. For more information, consult your browser’s manual. Note: Many websites do not function optimally when cookies are disabled.
How can you delete cookies?
Most cookies have an expiration date. If an expiration date is set, the cookie is automatically deleted when the expiration date is reached. Additionally, you can delete cookies yourself if you wish. To do so, access your internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari. For more information, you can use your browser’s help function.
Please note: After deleting and/or refusing cookies, you may still see advertisements. If you reject and/or delete cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of a website. Furthermore, refusing and/or deleting cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you perform these actions. If you use multiple computers and/or browsers, repeat the action(s) to reject and/or delete cookies as often as necessary.
Types of cookies
Cookies are small text files that websites can use to make user experiences more efficient. According to the law, we may store cookies on your device if they are strictly necessary for the use of the website. We need your consent for all other types of cookies. The website uses various types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third-party services displayed on our pages.
The various types of cookies are:
Functional cookies or technically necessary cookies
Functional cookies or technically necessary cookies are essential for the operation of our website. We use these cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Your consent is not required for these cookies because they improve the website’s functionality. For example, we can save your login details and the items in your shopping cart with these cookies. We also use these cookies to ensure you do not have to repeatedly provide the same information when visiting our website.
Analytical Cookies
We use these cookies for statistics to analyze how visitors use our website and to explore which parts of the website are most interesting to our visitors. We also use them to see if a page we believe is interesting to you is actually found. For example, if you are looking for specific information but cannot find it, we can identify this through statistical cookies. This helps us make the website more user-friendly. We do not trace statistics and other reports back to individuals. Your consent is not required for these cookies because they do not process personal data.
Changes to the Cookie Policy
Van Riel & Feyli Advocaten B.V. reserves the right to change the content of this cookie policy. This cookie policy is tailored to the use and capabilities of Van Riel & Feyli Advocaten B.V.’s website. Any adjustments and/or changes to this website, for example, may result in changes to this cookie policy. Therefore, it is advisable to consult this cookie policy regularly.